
Tax Compliance & Planning

We provide traditional tax compliance services. This includes federal, state and local personal income tax, and small business tax compliance, such as for C and S Corporations, partnerships and sole proprietorships. We also provide tax and accounting services for estates and trusts, such as estate tax returns and estate income tax returns.

We provide tax planning services as a natural compliment of tax compliance. Tax planning typically involves federal and state income tax, although it may involve other taxes, such as federal estate and gift taxes. Examples of tax planning include analyses of the merits of investing in tax-exempt instruments, capital gain and loss planning, conversion of regular to Roth IRAs, and a myriad of other situations.

Tax GeneralThese services are billed on an hourly rate

General Financial Planning

We provide general financial planning services to individuals, families and small businesses. This includes retirement planning, estate planning, cash-flow planning, planning for charitable giving, pension distributions, and numerous other services. These services are billed at an hourly rate.

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Investment Planning & Management

We provide general investment planning services as well as traditional investment management.

General investment planning involves an analysis and discussion of a client's portfolio from a high level, with an emphasis on overall asset allocation, absolute and relative performance, expected return, toleration for risk, adequacy of funding, and similar concerns. This type of service is typically billed on an hourly basis, or on a one-time fee basis.

We also provide traditional investment management services. As an Ohio Registered Investment Advisor, we tailor investment portfolios to meet your unique needs, offering a full range of investment options such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. We charge for this service based on a percentage of assets under management. Our rates are very competitive.